New Features in Primavera P6 EPPM Version 20.12 explained in detail
Oracle announced its Primavera P6 EPPM Version 20.12 just before Christmas 2020! So what’s new? Let’s jump straight in…
So the major spotlight features introduced in Version 20.12 of Primavera P6 EPPM were as follows:
A Quicker Way to Customize Grids:
The column menu is an intuitive and simple way to customize grids in the EPS, Activities, and Assignments pages. The drop down menu available in the heading of each column allows you to customize grouping and sorting, remove columns from the view, and rename columns. You can also pin columns to the start of the list, snap each column’s width to fit its contents, and find and replace text within a column.
Categorize and Organize Assignments Using Codes:
With potentially many thousands of active resource and role assignments across hundreds of projects, assignment codes provide another method for grouping, sorting, and filtering the assignments you need to access quickly.
Financial Period Calendars Allow You to Use Different Financial Periods for Different Projects:
You can create multiple financial period calendars with different periods. The different financial period calendars can have different durations as well as different start and end dates to each period, so you can have one calendar with financial periods of four weeks duration, another with weekly financial periods, and yet another with financial period calendars aligning with calendar months.
You can create new financial period calendars from scratch or duplicate an existing calendar as the basis for a new financial period calendar. Chose one financial period calendar to be the default for new projects and projects imported without a financial period calendar specified in the import file.
Easily see which projects are using any financial period calendar and assign financial period calendars to your views to ensure data is spread according to the correct calendar for the project.
Choose How Start Time is Recorded When a Team Member Starts a Not Started Activity:
You can control how start time is recorded when a team member starts an activity or assignment in P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, or P6 for iOS for the first time on any activity or assignment with a scheduled start earlier than the current date and time.
An application-wide setting allows you to specify whether the start time should be recorded as the start of the calendar work period, the start of the day (that is midnight on the scheduled start date), or the time at which the team member clicked the Start button.
Continue to Work in P6 Professional When no Network Connection is Available:
Offline mode extends the Primavera Cache Service to allow users to continue working in P6 Professional while their internet connection is unavailable. When internet connectivity is restored, users can reconnect to the cloud and P6 Professional will synchronize the data in the local cache database with the Cloud Connect database. Users can also choose to work offline and reconnect to the cloud as and when it is convenient.
Exception Site List option added to the General Page of the Application Settings pane:
With this option, you can specify a list of websites that users can click on directly and launch from user-defined fields (UDFs), projects websites, Notebook topics, and Team Member Web. For websites not included in
the list, users can copy and paste them into their browser and launch them manually.
Categorize and Organize Activities and Assignments Using Role Codes:
With potentially hundreds of roles being used across an enterprise of projects, role codes provide another method for filtering the roles you need to access quickly, or for grouping, sorting, and filtering roles and role assignments.
Role Prices Can Vary Over Time:
The Prices and Limits detail windows of the role administration page
have been combined as the Units and Prices detail window. Each effective date can change not only the work limit (also known as Max Units/Time) but each of the rates for the role (also known as Price/Unit).
Withdraw a Timesheet After Submission:
In Team Member Web you can withdraw a timesheet you have submitted if it has not yet been approved or rejected. Withdrawing a timesheet allows you to make changes or updates to the hours you have recorded.
User Defined Field Detail Windows:
You can view, assign, edit, and delete the UDF assignments for activities, WBS nodes, projects, EPS nodes, resources, resources assignments, issues, and risks in a detail window.